Dear players!
The server is soon 5 years old. ThePW server has been around for 5 years!
If you think about it, this is a very long time. A kind of anniversary!
And you, dear players, were with us every minute and second of the server's existence. Ups and downs, innovation and old school, oldies and newcomers!
ThePW administration is grateful to all the players who went through this difficult and thorny, joyful and eventful path with us!
In honor of this momentous event, ThePW Administration is launching a video greeting contest!
The task of the participants is to create a video with congratulations to other players and the server on the 5th anniversary of the project!
Mandatory requirements for work:
1) The title of the video must correspond to the Title of the topic.
2) Time limit - from 5 to 10 minutes (Assumptions are allowed in the direction of increasing the duration, but within reasonable limits - 1-2 minutes of the margin. The maximum video length is 11-12 minutes)
3) Designation of belonging to ThePW server (logo in one of the corners of the video)
4) Videos must be uploaded to your YouTube channel.
The description should contain your nickname copy-paste.
Sample application (work) on the forum:
- Character nickname (copy-paste from the game)
- Link to work (link to video on your YouTube channel)
1st place - 250 gold
2nd place - 200 gold
3rd place - 150 gold
Works are accepted until October 18.
The results of the competition will be announced on October 19-20 within 24-48 hours.
The work will be evaluated by the Server Administration.
The administration congratulates everyone on such a significant and significant date for the project!
We wish you all inspiration and good luck!
P.S. IMPORTANT WARNING! - excess flooding, comments that are not works will be deleted, and the owners will receive a ban of the forum account for a period of 1 to 7 days, depending on the number of recurrences of the violation.
Topic of the competition on the forum:
Regards, ThePW Team